The Board Behind

We pay tribute to the beauty and incomparable charm of Italian cities. source CittĂ  d'Italia

11/09/2018, 15:09

🇬🇧 ️"Theatre is the stage of life where one's experience becomes vital" 🇮🇹 ️ "Il teatro; è lo scenario della vita, dove il vissuto è reso vitale" 🇨🇵 ️ "Le théâtre c'est le stade de la vie, où le expérience vécue devient vital" I-inspired Giancarlo Antonini > Image Palermo - Sicily - Teatro Biondo (interno) credit Città d'Italia > Join The Conversation, More You Might Like in cross-border communications >

The Board Behind

“Over a lifetime we go through two stages. In its first, we search for compliments. In stage two we search for complements”.

11/09/2018, 14:34

C&T contributes to the restoration of the “Loggiato di San Bartolomeo” in Palermo: in cross-border communications > - Image - Open Gallery of St. Bartolomeo in Palermo - credit: Gruppo Caronte & Tourist > - Initially published by Gruppo Caronte & Tourist in: C&T contribuisce al restauro del Loggiato di San Bartolomeo a Palermo. Leggi l'articolo September 6th, 2018 communications / territorial marketing strategies / development / active tourism In this year in which Palermo has been named as the Italian Capital of Culture, the Caronte & Tourist Group has agreed to play its part by acceding to the call of the Superintendent of the Sant'Elia Foundation, Antonino Ticali. The proposal was concerned with the renovation of the Loggiato di San Bartolomeo in Palermo, a historic landmark standing at the entrance to the city facing the sea. The existing Loggiato of San Bartolomeo on Corso Vittorio Emanuele, a few meters away from the monumental Porta Felice, was an integral part of a hospital, built in the first half of the 14th century by the Confraternity of San Bartolomeo, as a seat to assist patients who were terminally ill. - says engineer Vincenzo Franza - In 1907 it became “Asylum of emigrants” to accommodate all those headed off to the Americas. With due regard for this vocation - states Franza again - We feel honoured to be able to actively contribute to such a prestigious project of this scale at such significant time for the cultural life of the city of Palermo “. - Pearl of wisdom: aphorism “Over a lifetime we go through two stages. In its first, we search for compliments. In phase two we search for complements”. “Nel corso della vita attraversiamo due fasi. Nella prima cerchi i complimenti. Nella seconda cerchi i complementi”. Aphorisms by - Rosanna Marani > > in Giochi di Parole di Rosanna Marani a cura di Grazia © all rights reserved One more advice: - The Caronte & Tourist Group provides maritime connections to and from Sicily and the smaller islands. Find out here: Boat/Ferry Company · Transportation Service · Cruise Line > More:

The Board Behind

Love walking around among artisan stores in the village of Nemi: doors open!

05/09/2018, 17:02

September 4th, 2018, communications / territorial marketing strategies / sustainable territorial development / active tourism Community event in town The Village of Nemi is a lovely tourist destination, renowned for the wild strawberries, the lake, and the ancient history. It is about 12 miles south of Rome. Saturday, September 8th, come and discover the Nemi craft shops. We’ll get to know intimately the secrets of the “master craftsmen” who, with wisdom, make unique products such as the “Fraulette,” natural silver strawberries from the Orafa Milù shop. We will discover the “strange princesses” of Denise Gagliardi that instill good mood for all visitors. We will taste the jams of Laura Borgognoni by learning the process of how to make jam fruit and, finally, We will assist in the handling of the pasta “fimo” and its consistency during cooking with Francesca & Laura that will certainly surprise us with small and nice “freshly baked” handicraft food products. Come and meet the artisans of Nemi, a can’t-miss opportunity for adults and children! The visit is free of charge, but due to limited availability, the reservation is required by noon on Saturday 8th. Place and time: TIP (Tourist Information Point), Piazza Roma, Nemi at 5.30 p.m. Duration 1h and 30 minutes. Info and reservations: Jessica - mobile +393283818374 or 069368816 or email to Public Event· hosted by · Tourist Information Center · Community Organization: > Nemi, Italy > Saturday 8th at 5:30 PM – 7 PM > More: - Nemi project CHARMED-Nemi: - Initially published in cross-border communications - More:

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