Tekno Training

Impianti intelligenti per un pianeta mig

Tekno Training

Impianti intelligenti per un pianeta mig

Usare lo sciacquone dall'ultimo piano del Burj Khalifa di Dubai...

2022-01-17 11:00:00

A che velocità arriva l'acqua al piano terra???

by Marco Colmari
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Tekno Training

Impianti intelligenti per un pianeta mig

Using the toilet flush on the top floor of the Burj Khalifa in Dubai...

2022-01-17 11:00:00

How fast does the water get to the ground floor ???

by Marco Colmari
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Tekno Training

Impianti intelligenti per un pianeta mig

Are they scamming me with my electricity bill?

2022-01-14 11:00:00

Or am I the one who increased the consumption of electricity? How to verify it?

by Marco Colmari
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