Business & Finanza
Stai per scoprire come diventare un digital freelance
Ora i segreti per diventare un freelancer ti vengono svelati
Scarica l'ebook GRATIS per conoscere le nuove professioni del futuro
Senza avere grandi requisiti rigorosi di istruzioni e tante certificazioni per iniziare
In questo ebook ti indicherò tante strade per cominciare a lavorare
Business & Finanza
Ecco come devi imparare a proteggere le tue idee
In questo ebook che puoi scaricare gratis
troverai tutto quanto ti serve perproteggere le tue invenzioni
La protezione legale rientra in tre categorie fondamentali: diritti d'autore, marchi e brevetti.
- I diritti d'autorecoprono opere artistiche, musicali e letterarie tangibili, come dipinti, testi, libri, fotografie, ecc.
- I marchi si applicano a parole, nomi o simboli destinati a identificare e distinguere prodotti o servizi di un produttore da un altro.
- I brevetti proteggono i diritti degli inventori sulle loro invenzioni; invenzioni che possono variare dalle macchine ai composti chimici e persino alle piante.
Alcune idee potrebbero richiedere una combinazione di protezioni e diritti d'autore, marchi e brevetti da soli non forniranno protezioneinternazionale alla tua proprietà. Tuttavia, se ti registri negli Stati Uniti, alcuni trattati e accordi renderanno la protezione all'estero molto più semplice.
Business & Finanza
Tips to be happy and reach your goals
How to have a happy and successful life? It depends on personal goals that relate to family or personal business or a goal we have set for ourselves.
Every life is different and everyone has different goals. Here are my suggestions.
- In the morning, before going out, write down all your great intentions and remain silent for a few minutes, as if contemplating them; but you can also do it at other times of the day.
- Always carry a portable diary with you or an app on which you can record, which you write any idea or inspiration that emerges throughout the day.
- Each of us has a dialogue with ourselves. If you find yourself negatively talking to yourself, stop, examine your thoughts and consider sharing them with a friend to find out what they think: having a different point of view from yours, that is, of another person can be extremely useful. to change your mindset and improve your thoughts.
While having only optimistic thoughts is virtually impossible, having a positive mindset will help you deal with them in a much better way.
- Finally each week, for example on Monday, take 10 minutes to set your priorities for the week ahead.
Having a clear list of the things you want to achieve in the short term will help keep you grounded and inspired to accomplish them.
6. Every Monday, take ten minutes to write down your priorities for the week ahead. Having a clear list of the things you want to accomplish in the short term will help keep you grounded and inspired to accomplish them.
You also need to include self-care and the things you like to do in your free time, such as pursuing a hobby or taking a walk in the greenery of a city park, in your schedule.
Your mentality is decisive for the achievement of your goals and your well-being, it affects how you see the world and how you feel.
Having the conscious intention to think positively will help you see life differently - it takes intentional effort but it's worth it.
Follow my channel to receive many tips on the Mindset, of how to simplify your life and live with awareness to reach your goals.