giuseppe Lo voi

Your total investment of $ 24.21 in 10 nodes will give back $ 121.05 and 10 BBB Coins. Further, when you invest again your earnings of $ 121.05 for 50 nodes, you will earn back $ 605.25 and 50 BBB Coins. Again reinvesting your earnings of $ 605.25 for 250 nodes, you will earn back $ 3026.25 and 250 BBB Coins. Reinvesting again, 4th time will give $ 15131.25 and 1,250 BBB Coins. 5th time will give $ 75656.25 and 6,250 BBB Coins. You see there is NO LIMIT to earning by blocking new nodes everytime.

giuseppe Lo voi

Sostienici grazie

giuseppe Lo voi

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