deepak yadav
Travel & Adventure
maybe i do soon...😍😍😍

deepak yadav
Travel & Adventure
India is Italy's fifth largest trading partner in the EU Balance of trade has been in India's favour since 1988. The volume of bilateral trade during 2016 has reached Euro 7516.90 million. The exports from India reached Euro 4238.89 million, with an increase of 5.94% in comparison to 2015. During 2016, India's imports from Italy stood at Euro 3278.01 million, registering a decrease of -2.17% compared to 2015. Thus, the balance of trade remains in India's favour (+960.88 million). The thrust areas of India's exports to Italy are iron, cast iron, steel and ferro-alloys; organic basic chemicals,refined petroleum products; plants for the production of beverages; footwear; tanned leather, vehicles; fish, crustaceans and molluscs (processed and preserved); jewellery and related items; plastics in primary forms; dyes and pigments; parts and accessories for vehicles. Principal items of India's imports from Italy: machinery for textile, garment and leather industries (parts and accessories included); general purpose machinery; special purpose machinery; organic basic products; parts and accessories for vehicles; taps and valves; paper and cardboard; Machine tools for metal shaping; Ornamental and building stone, limestone, gypsum, chalk and slate; Tubes, pipes, hollow profiles and related accessories in steel (excluding cast steel); pumps and compressors; chemical products nca. Future Prospects for investment and trade are encouraging, as India is increasingly being seen as an emerging economic power in the world and an important economic partner in Asia, both in terms of trade and investment, and as an alternative to their original interest in Eastern Europe. Italy is India's fifth largest trading partner in the EU. Italy is the 13th largest foreign investor in India (0.70% of the cumulative total FDIs to India in the period April 2000 – June 2017). The European countries ahead of Italy in this respect are UK (that ranks 4th), Netherlands (5th), Germany (7th), Cyprus (8th), France (9th) and Spain (12th). The Indo-Italian bilateral trend has been constantly increasing at high rates till 2011 and only in 2012 and 2013 the trend has registered a negative growth, respectively by -16.67% and -2.62%, due to the global economic recession. The bilateral trade crossed for the first time 7 billion Euro in 2010 and 8 billion Euro in 2011. In 2015 the bilateral trade registered a positive growth by +2.12% over the previous year and in 2016 the growth was +2.25%.

deepak yadav
Travel & Adventure
Indians since time immemorial has promoted peace and now lives with the ‘chalta hai’ (let it be) attitude. So, anything wrong does not matter much to us, whether it is related to government, corruption, condition of roads, crimes by ‘godmen’, or anything else. Activists are there to lead the crowd and enlighten the society, but most of the times they do not get good response and the ones who do get good response are generally not worthy of it. Though India needs several changes at present, there are few important ones that should be immediately tackled. Major Issues in India Corruption The most widely spread endemic in India is corruption, which must be handled quickly and wisely. There is hardly any office, in both private and public sector, that is untouched from this disease. There is no telling how much loss has the economy suffered because of this. Though most of us are concerned, when the time comes to act, we, the people of India, are found lacking. Illiteracy The percentage of illiteracy in India is alarming. Every five persons among ten in India are illiterate. The condition in villages is worse than in cities. Though a number of primary schools have been set up in rural India, the problem persists. Also, providing education just to children won’t solve the problem of illiteracy, as many adults in India are also untouched by education. Education system The education system of India is blamed every now and then for being too theoretical but not practical and skill-based. Students study to score marks, not to gain knowledge. This so-called modern education system was introduced by the colonial masters to create servants who could serve but not lead, and we still have the same education system. Rabindranath Tagore had written many articles offering suggestions to change the education system of India. But still success is as elusive as ever. Basic Hygiene Sanitation is yet another problem, but one of the biggest, in India. There are about 700 million people who have no access to toilets at home. Slum areas do not have toilets. People are thus forced to defecate in open, which causes numerous diseases like diarrhoea, cholera, dehydration etc. Many rural schools also have no toilets, because of which parents do not send their kids, especially girls, to school. Due attention was drawn towards this problem by Gandhi-ji but nothing much was done. A growing population is the biggest challenge causing these problems. For example, the sewage system in Delhi was designed to meet the needs of a population of three million people. But Delhi now has more than 14 million of population. This is not just the case of Delhi; every state and region in India is the same. Healthcare system It is true that world’s the most populous democratic country cannot provide proper healthcare facilities to its entire population. India is becoming a hub for medical tourism but all these facilities are not available to local residents, who are poor. Healthcare is a neglected issue in India, as major attention drawers are agriculture, infrastructure and IT. Lack of resources in rural India is a major concern of the day, leading to most of the problems. 50% of all villagers have no access to healthcare providers; 10% of babies die within a year of their birth; lack of nutrition caused stunned growth in 50% of all the babies; and 33% people in India have no access to toilets. Poverty A third of the world’s poor live in India, and 37% of the total population in India lives below the international poverty line. 42% of children under five years of age are underweight. Most of the poor in India live in villages. Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, Orissa, Chhattisgarh and West Bengal have the poorest areas. High level of illiteracy, lack of healthcare facilities, and limited access to resources are some of the basic problems in poor areas. Pollution Pollution and environmental issues are the other challenges that India is facing at present. Though India is working hard, there is a long way to go

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