deepak yadav
Travel & Adventure
italan toriust in india
24/04/2019, 10:27
udaipur palce city... asome palce

deepak yadav
Travel & Adventure
Voglio essere il primo fondatore indiano, per favore aiuta il mio canale

deepak yadav
Travel & Adventure
Population Problem in India: India is one of the densely populated countries of the world. It has to support about 15% of the world population, although its land area is merely 2.4% of the land area of the world. In 1950-51, India’s population was 361 million. According to 2001 census it was 1,027 million. ADVERTISEMENTS: Our population has been growing at the rate of 2.2% per annum since independence (1950-51 to 1999-00). Growth of Population India’s population stood at 1027,015,247 on March 1, 2001. The decennial census of 2001 indicates an addition of 181 mn. people between 1991 and 2001 but the rate of growth in this decade shows the sharpest decline (21.34%) since independence. The exponential rate of growth of population (annual) in the decades 1991-2001 was 1.9% as against 2.1% the previous decade. But it was still higher than the assumptions regarding from 1.6 to 1.8% made by the planning commission. ADVERTISEMENTS: The rate of population growth depends on the difference between the birth rate and the death rate. Thus, the population growth experienced in India can largely be explained by variations in birth and death rates. The death rate continued to fall over the entire plan period. But the birth rate continues to remain high by current standards. As a result there has been a net addition to the size of the population. A study of India’s demographic trends during the last five decades reveals that the death rate has fallen much faster than the birth rate. The death rate has already fallen to a very low level (viz., 9.6 per thousand). There is no scope for reducing it further. But the birth rate continues to be high by current standards. Therefore, in future India’s population will be a function of birth rate alone. The Nature of India’s Population Problem: The number of people which a country can support largely, if not entirely, depends upon its existing natural resources, the methods it uses in production, and the efficiency of labour which affects labour productivity. It appears from current standards that India should have about 400 million in 2002 instead of 1,027 million. ADVERTISEMENTS: This excess population is itself a symptom of over-population. This problem is becoming more and more acute day by day due to rapidly increasing population— by about 22 million persons a year. So, India is over-populated. However, a small minority of people see that India is not really over-populated because it is a vast country with plenty of natural resources. These resources have not been fully used as yet. They express the view that, if all the resources are fully employed, India can maintain a larger population than what it is having now and in much greater comfort.

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