Christina Pirrone

Persone Genius!!

01/10/2018, 08:51

Credo che frequentare persone di spessore e di grande valore morale sia edificante! Martina Mangano ❤️❤️❤️

Christina Pirrone

Crostata alternativa decorata dalle bimbe

01/10/2018, 08:19

Amo fare dolci con le mie bimbe. Questa crostata la hanno decorata mie bimbe. Era buonissima già finita. Con marmellata di more😋 so Yummy

Christina Pirrone

Who is Christina

01/10/2018, 08:09

I'm a person who loves life❤️ and who wants to help people find happiness inside and general well-being. I want to let you discover your potentiality to strengthen your self esteem starting by loving yourself because God loves you. I want you to be happy with yourself, with your body with your health. I want to help you to live your daily routine with a positive attitude. I think that if you are really happy it is contagious and so all the people around you will get your positive energy! Be happy and your life will be happier!😍 ps I speak from experience I have had a negative difficult periods in my life and I've learnt by hard experiencces how to transform a negative thing in positive. You learn a lot from difficult and hard experiences

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